Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So we marathon wrapped for like 5 hours and finished at least a hundred and fifty zhong zhi. We made the last minute decision not to use the potassium bi carbonate solution as the rice needs needs to soak in it for at least five hours. Maybe next time.

The wrapping process was interesting. You overlay the leaves and fold it into a cone shape, then after you fill it, you press the excess leaves over the top and around.

It creates a form with four sides, each consisting of a triangle. An arms length of string wrapped around the center holds everything together.
After a full batch (about 50) are wrapped you boil for about one hour in a pot of water.

The meat zhong came out well, although they are a bit bland because we did not add MSG. A little soy sauce on the side makes it perfect though.

The white zhong came out perfect and we enjoyed them this morning for breakfast with a bit of sugar for dipping.

Overall we were pretty happy with the results. Up next: Scallion Pancakes

1 comment:

  1. awesome! I have a couple of these. I can't wait for scallon pancakes. Those are Matt's favorites.
